What will be the best career for your future?
After 10th, what will be a wise decision for a career perspective? Many students ask a similar type of questions. What will be best for my future? Which stream is right for me? Do I love this thing, or it's just a hobby? Can I make my hobbies into professions? Lots of thoughts come in their mind. Most of the readers can relate to this also. All these thoughts come just because we want to live happily. Happiness is a consequence of having confidence in your life. Confidence gives you the energy to survive in odd situations in life. No matter what will happen, you will sustain. There is a famous quote; WHEN YOU DOUBT YOUR POWER, YOU GIVE POWER TO YOUR DOUBT Self-doubt is one of the biggest killers of dreams. You name any entrepreneurs or celebrity they are not the smartest one, but they are the most confident one. They failed several times, but they have one thing called faith/confidence. And no one born confident, it's the journey of life that gives you confidence. How ...